Gravity Group Preparing For The Future?

Sep 28, 2021

With the Gravity Group just announcing their new Engineered Pre-Cut track, what does this mean for other coasters? And is the Racer really that much better because of the new track?

I just recently rode the Racer, and let me tell you – I had the best ever ride on it, and I know I am not the only person to think that….

Kings Island and the Gravity Group did an amazing job on the 600 ft of engineered track… Now, I wonder – will Kings Island have Gravity Group add more during this off-season?

So what other wooden coasters out there could benefit from the new Gravity Group Engineered Pre-Cut track?

Here are 10 coasters and I think it makes sense for the park to hire the Gravity Group to install their new track…

Hurler – Carowinds

This rough wooden coaster could use some help… Better yet, the park’s maintenance team could use some on learning how to keep a wooden coaster – relatively smooth and enjoyable…

This all depends if Carowinds doesn’t want to spend the money converting the rough woodie into an RMC hybrid coaster…

I’d also be down for a zero-g roll added to the ride – if the Gravity Group felt compelled to do so..

Grizzly – California’s Great America

Anything would help America’s worst wooden coaster out…

Though, the park might be better if they just decided to convert this coaster into a hybrid!

American Eagle – Six Flags St. Louis

I’ve been on the park’s oldest wooden coaster quite a few times, and while it’s not the roughest ride at the park, I feel like it would make for the best candidate at Six Flags St. Louis for this new coaster track…

Monstre – La Ronde

Would Six Flags spend upwards of 10 million dollars on converting this dueling wooden coaster into a hybrid?

Hmmm…. Doubtful…

To me, that’s asking a lot…

Now I wish they would go that route… But sadly, the Gravity Group route might be cheaper…

Wildcat – Lake Compounce 

Would the park give Gravity Group a call, even though they just purchased new GCI Millennium Flyer trains for the park’s classic woodie?

There are more questions than answers – but one thing for sure is – Wildcat needs some help… and I mean help asap...

So those are 5 coasters that i predict could see some of the new Gravity Group Engineered Pre-Fab track!

I love everything about this new track that the Gravity Group created – except one thing…


How can parks market this as a new attraction of new rides? Because people aren’t going to buy tickets or a season pass – just to ride the Racer at Kings Island because it’s smoother…

What do you think of my 5 coasters? What coasters that I didn’t mention do you think could benefit from the work Gravity Group has done? Let me know in the comments!